Monday, April 20, 2009

A ripe chestnut.

Had a sweet little piece of info come my way the other  morning -  thought I'd share it.

I've always wondered how I'd get started on work that's really award winning in it's calibre. Panicky clients and tight budgets rarely allow for One Show level creative. More likely they allow for newsletters. A never ending slurry of newsletters. *Shudder

I know spec work is one option, but I always figured it was a waste of time. Something you might do fresh out of school. I thought that an idea was an idea, and that great creatives could see the evidence of good work on any scale. But nay. Naaaay. 

These days the competition is stiff. CDs want to not only see the flickering of great thinking, but the whole baked enchilada with salsa, guac, and refried beans falling off the mother-fucking plate.

So spec work it  is, and the quote that really made it hit home for me came from likely the most praised CD in town. I won't shout his name out though; those in the know can guess.

He said, "Spec work will show clients and agencies that you can really do this level of award-winning, international work. Soon enough, they'll not only allow you to do this kind of work for them, but demand it."

So simple. So sensible.

Cheers to Mr B.C.

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