Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Getting fat on great creative

I've been annoying the hell out of my lady-friend lately by losing my mind every time a new Weight Watchers spot comes on the tube. 
And no, it's not because I want us be the next couple on The Biggest Loser. It's because it's one of the best damn campaigns I've seen lately.

#1: The new look for the campaign: Minimal copy, simple fonts (yes, I am a sucker for Helvetica Bold; it must me the Northern European in me), and orange accent colours. 
Orange is the new black. Or red, or whatever.

#2: The name of the new program: Momentum. 
I think this speaks well to the fact that many people might lose weight, but then gain it all back after their initial goals are achieved. It says "we know this is a long-term fight, and we'll give you the tools to win for for the rest of your life".

#3: The new tag: Stop dieting. Start living. Shiiiit. That's good taggage. It's a call to action, it's simple, speaks about the consumer, identifies a unique aspect of the program, etc, etc... Love it to bits.

#4: The ads themselves. Okay, fair enough, I have a soft spot for Muppetish comedy, but that puppet embodying "Hungry" is brilliant - not to mention hilarious. When he slides in front of the T.V. Gold! Or when she opens up her laptop, and he opens the Pizza Box? More gold!

I can see the whiteboard in the strategy meeting now: 

Fat people =  jolly. Jolly people = like to laugh. Let's make these spots = hilarious.

Watch for yourself:


Hat tip to McCann Erickson NYC.   Know what? Keep the hat.

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