Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Knee jerk, or capitalizing on an opportunity?

Some say that brands and campaigns should shy away from "knee-jerk reactions", and on the whole, I'd agree. I've watched many a brand go chasing the hot target market of the day, only to find their previously loyal customers disillusioned with their behavior upon returning home. Kind of like cheating on a partner. 

Porsche owners to Porsche after the launch of the Cayenne: "You were with who? American families of four? Gross."

But, the above stated, I have to question the brand that simply follows the line no matter what the circumstances. For instance, if I run a chain of high-end bakeries, who's to say I shouldn't offer a 1/2 price tasting Tuesday during these crappy economic times? It keeps the cash-flow going, and doesn't hurt my product range. On the other hand, if the same bakery were to start scrimping on ingredients to make the overall product more affordable at the expense of quality - then I would agree, it's a shyte move.

I suppose what I'm saying is that branding should be more about a set of core values, and less about rigid, unbreakable, rules.  You want to raise sales or traffic during a recession? Fine. Just do it within the style of you brand. 

To end with my first Porsche analogy, I would have much rather seen a sport-wagon than an SUV.  At least it could have had that Legendary Porsche nimbleness - the kind that wouldn't destroy the erections of millions of 911 owners. 

Or at least offer Viagra with every Cayenne.

1 comment:

  1. What are your thoughts on a company, say like Volkswagen? Perhaps the legendary GTI? Any opinion?
